The problem with (& appeal of) commercial cleaners

The appeal of commercial cleaners

When I was a kid, I remember having all the well- marketed cleaning products under our kitchen sink. Even today, years after switching to natural cleaners, I can see why folks buy them. 

Who doesn’t want to protect their family from germs or ‘Snuggle’ up for some cozy family time? These feel-good ads tell me that...

  • I won’t get the flu this winter
  • Greasy messes can disappear like magic
  • And I’ll find bliss in their fresh scents

Who wouldn’t want that?!

Yet for some reason, the ads never seem to mention how they achieve these amazing feats.

But the images often include kids and cute puppies, so surely their products must be safe, right?

And sometimes the ads even SAY (or at least strongly imply) that their products are healthy. Obviously, some regulatory agency would step in and prevent them from making that sort of claim if it weren’t true???

Trustworthy celebrities use these products too... sometimes with kids AND while pregnant. With a reputation and their kids at stake, surely they wouldn’t promote harmful products!?

And yet... I wouldn’t use any of these products.

Yes, they soften laundry, cut grease & kill germs as they claim. But their superpowers come at a cost that I’m not willing to pay.

Below are all the ads you just saw, alongside their safety ratings. We'll learn more about the safety ratings throughout the course. For now, see the details behind any of these products by right-clicking any safety rating and choosing "open in a new tab" (so you don't accidentally navigate away from this course).

Click these safety ratings.pdf

Thankfully, there are plenty of healthier alternatives that are just as effective. With that in mind, let's take a quick peek at:

  • The harmful ingredients to avoid in cleaning products
  • And common natural alternatives

After that, we’ll jump into our first bit of healthy cleaning!

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